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April 28, 2024

How Do We Live Out the Easter Song

Pastor KJ Kim

Psalm 30; Acts 9: 1-6

In today’s passage, we are again reminded of what happened to the early disciples. Saul, who also is called and known as Paul, is still chasing after them to catch and detain them. With the high priest’s permission, Saul runs after the early believers—whether men or women, old or young—to take them as prisoners.

But then, in a flash, Saul’s life was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Christ, who came to him and said, “Why are you harassing me?” Then, Saul asked, “Who are you?” The voice responded, “I am Jesus, whom you are harassing.” “I will give you guidance to another way of life.”

And we come to this story over and over again because we trust that he has been turned and transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. It is no wonder that we can imagine that Paul, his friends, and followers of Christ like to sing Psalm 30, which is today’s other passage. And I believe this song applies not only to special disciples, like Paul, in the early church, but also to quite ordinary people and disciples like you and me.

Look at the world--Isn’t it true the world seems to remain the same as it has been since Christ was resurrected? Isn’t is true we live in a world full of suffering, persecution, violence, war, and death? So, what is our deep conviction in the midst of all trouble, problems, and challenges? How and where do we find hope? That is why I invite us to sing Psalm 30 today, which seems like one of the best Easter songs.

We sing all the time. We sing at the wedding. We sing at the funeral. We sing at every Sunday Service. We sing whenever two or three gather in the name of Christ.

What we know and remember as today’s church is—how we live out the Easter songs every day—whether our singing evokes our life in gratitude; whether our singing evokes courage that invites us to act differently, even in times of trouble; whether our singing evokes energy that let us live in joy and generosity as those who believe and trust the Easter messages—"Christ is risen; he is risen indeed.”

May we remember—that the style of music—either singing a traditional hymn with one instrument or singing contemporary songs with a full band—is not the essential issue. The most important issue for us is whether we live out those songs in our lives, even in times of trouble; because our singing may transform our times of trouble into times of refreshing.

We sing here not because we want to get a sense of feeling good and cool. We sing because we trust our singing can transform our sadness and trouble into dancing and jumping for the glory of God. Joy comes in the morning, so we sing praise all night long.

Thanks be to God.

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