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July 4, 2021

A Source of the Healing Power

Pastor KJ Kim

2 Kings 5: 1-15

In today’s passage, we just heard the story of Naaman, a national hero and a commander of the army of Syria. For Naaman, everything would look perfect, with one exception. He had leprosy, in other words, Hansen’s disease.

Perhaps, Naaman did everything and met every physician possible to cure his disease, but Naaman’s help came from a source he never expected—a young Jewish girl who had been taken captive during one of his military attacks on Israel. She was a slave, a child, and a girl.

If we were Naaman, what would we expect of prophet Elisha then? When the door to Elisha’s house opened, a messenger from Elisha came out, saying, “Go, wash in the Jordan seven times. And your flesh shall be restored, and you shall be clean.” Elisha did not even come out of his house and say hello.

When Naaman turned back to Syria and went away in a rage, his servants reasoned with him again, “My father, has he actually said to you, wash and be clean, something simple and easy?”

It was the beginning of Naaman’s cure. Naaman was completely emptied out. His royal connection had gotten him nowhere. His reputation had gotten him nowhere. His bags of full money had gotten him nowhere. His pride and ego had gotten him nowhere as he stripped down in front of all his men by showing his scabby body.

By the seventh time, Naaman was healed and, he was also very clean. He was restored, fresh, and well.

All Naaman had to do was empty himself out, abandoning the pretense that who he was, and what he was worth could get him what he needed. All he had to do was strip himself down until his hurt and wounded body was exposed for everyone to see. Then God did for him what military and political power and what the bags of money could never do.

On the Fourth of July, we all pray for this great nation to be restored, fresh, and well.

All we have to do is follow God, and God’s direction. All we have to do is empty ourselves out, being humble about who we are and how much power and wealth we have. All we have to do is strip ourselves down until the hurt, wounded, and broken area may be exposed for everyone to recognize.

Then, God will do again for us and for this nation what military power and astronomical amounts of money can never do.

May God bless America.


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